Vegetarian Skincare & Cosmetics

What’s Present in Vegetarian Products and What’s Not

Vegetarians can use all vegan skincare and cosmetics products plus ones which contain ingredients coming from animal by-products other than the flesh. Beeswax and honey are examples of ingredients found in vegetarian products such as lipstick and facial masks respectively. They are not permitted for vegans, however other examples of animal-derived ingredients which are allowed for vegetarians include lanolin, which is extracted from wool, and all kinds of proteins coming from milk and eggs, which are often used in products for hair conditioning.

Ingredients which come from the meat, bones and skin of animals cannot be found in pure vegetarian cosmetics and skincare products. One notable example is collagen, which is typically sourced from shellfish. It is replaced by a compound coming from a plant source.

Are vegetarian skincare and cosmetic products also Halal? Many of them are with the exception of those which have alcohol. Similarly, vegetarians can confidently use Halal cosmetics which don’t have any ingredients derived from animal flesh.